She Changed Comics - Kickstarter Fund Project #14

Every week, the Seattle Review of Books backs a Kickstarter, and writes up why we picked that particular project. Read more about the project here. Suggest a project by writing to kickstarter at this domain, or by using our contact form.

What's the project this week?

She Changed Comics. We've put $20 in as a non-reward backer

Who is the Creator?

CBLDF (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund).

What do they have to say about the project?

She Changed Comics tells the untold story of the pioneering women who changed free expression in comics!

What caught your eye?

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has been fighting censorship, and for free expression in comics since 1989. By offering legal support to indie creators who find themselves looking at potential lawsuits, the CBLDF can be a life-saver, sometimes stopping potential lawsuits before they start.

As if that wasn't cool enough, this project She Changed Comics is a book that tells the story of women's influence in comics, from the Golden Age, to working under the Comics Code, on to underground and indie comics of all kinds.

It will feature a look back and the history of the women who made comics in the past, and interview working artists today.

Why should I back it?

If you love comics, this is a must-back. No doubt you've heard of some of the women who will be covered — Marjane Satrapi and Alison Bechdel, say — but you'll learn about women who didn't get as much public attention, but still were incredibly influential on comics, and these artists and creators.

How's the project doing?

They're kicking ass. 357% of their $10,000 goal. But man, they are well worth backing. They've killed three stretch goals, but there are still two to go....

Do they have a video?

Kickstarter Fund Stats
  • Projects backed: 14
  • Funds pledged: $280
  • Funds collected: $240
  • Unsuccessful pledges: 0
  • Fund balance: $760