Zine Archive & Publishing Project to fold, collection to go to Seattle Public Library

G&O Family Cyclery owner Davey Oil, an early ZAPP coordinator, just published the news in a moving public post on Facebook:

Just got an email from ZAPP, the Zine Archive and Publishing Project, that the organization is finally folding.

The zine collection will be in good hands, at the CEN branch of Seattle Public Library.

The independent nonprofit called ZAPP will cease programming and has found worthy places to donate their remaining budget.

ZAPP, the freewheeling zine library founded in the Hugo House basement, parted ways with the House back in 2013. It is one of the largest zine and minicomics collections in the world. Seattle Public Library has been minding ZAPP's physical collection for years, while ZAPP volunteers tried to garner enthusiasm to make ZAPP its own stand-alone nonprofit entity.

We've reached out to SPL to find out their plans for the collection; we'll let you know when we hear back.